Brian Kelleher Richter

Boundary-spanning Economist | Expert in Business, Economics, Political Science, and Public Policy

Brian K. RichterI am boundary-spanning PhD economist--and expert in business, economics, political science, and public policy--skilled in end-to-end econometric analysis and syntehsizing results for different types of audiences.

My current, primary job is as the Chief Economist (Antitrust) at the Texas Attorney General. I also maintain an affiliation with the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business's Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State as a non-resident Senior Stigler Fellow.

I, nevertheless, remain available for consulting work and teaching engagements. I also remain engaged in academic research. I welcome inquires about opportunities and/or collaboration in consulting, teaching, and research.

Prior to joining the Texas Attorney General from Amazon, I was a professor in the Business, Government, and Society Department at the University of Texas at Austin's McCombs School from 2013-2022 and in the Business, Economics, and Public Policy group at the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario from 2010-2012.  Outside academia, I have worked in both the public and private sectors, in the U.S. and abroad, including time with the Federal Reserve (in Washington and San Francisco), the Central Intelligence Agency (in Langley), Nomura Securities (in New York), Sanwa Bank (in Tokyo), and Amazon (in Austin).

I defended my PhD in Global Economics & Management  at UCLA's Anderson School.   While at UCLA I also earned an M.A. in Economics and a C. Phil. in Management.  I also hold an S.B. in Management Science (Finance) from MIT's Sloan School of Management and an M.P.I.A. in Asian Markets & Economies is from UCSD's School of Global Policy & Strategy.  

In my scholarly work, I conduct interdisciplinary research primarily aimed at improving our collective understanding of firms' interactions with governments and other non-market (societal and legal) actors and institutions. My academic research publications appear in leading journals in the management discipline (e.g., the Strategic Management Journal and Organization Science), the political science discipline (e.g. the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science and the Annual Review of Political Science), and the economics discipline (e.g., the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics; the Journal of Law & Economics, and the Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization).  I have also made my academic work accessible through pieces in highly regarded academic-practioner journals (e.g., the Harvard Business Review and the California Management Review). My scholarship has been cited over 1,500 times. Moreover, I have published a number of popular teaching cases available online via the University of Chicago Stigler Center and Harvard Business School Publishing.

You can send me an e-mail here: bkrichter<at><dot>gmail<dot>com